
The Vaporizing series. Manic Miner. All rooms in one


Vaporizing Ren & Stimpy


Vaporizing Freddie Kruegger: A Multilayered Nightmare On Elm Street

A conceptual dream. Intermedia poetry about the vaporization of the culture.

The Vaporizing Series. Transiciones de Esteso a Pajares y viceversa (P. Intermedia)

Todo Esteso y Pajares en una sola película, es poesía.

The Amazing Sπderman. Pg. 23

the nuts but using his flying mysterious metropolis my biggest green goblin a few hours ahead ground glides to hideout a smooth landing too bad thought scheme backfired man could all three them once the enforcers had helped me  to make a career you never defeat can think of everything spider man i intended to organizce a world wide crime syndicate with them as my lieutenants but my true short time thoughtful teen ager and still my owon terminal power slowly heads still wondering what new fate so i´ll wait my next strike again hasn´t heard the place but where he the green any must arch-any-my-must-next- talking to it

The Amazing Sπderman. Pg. 22

the army already sign mr. girls now hop on the firs plane real why watch like not sir book

The Amazing Sπderman. Pg. 21

stamina later air double the human though let grab way around to rest sense hotel

The Amazing Sπderman. Pg. 20

move if a spider tackled should had fled to him go strange an old fashioned punch stick the advantage to the jaw is all mine like i´ve ever faced

The Amazing Sπderman. Pg. 19

ok let´s this man back man down now for long them hulk can no me doged and blow

The Amazing Sπderman. Pg. 18

ok now if i show you... oh no, man drop the device brain there´s always speed after you get bulkness